Since 2014 Operation address the Homeless has been helping the "invisible faces" in our area. The ultimate goal was to establish a facility where we can provide the necessary services in improving the quality of life.
We did that.
Our facilities currently provide showers, laundry, meals, haircuts, job training, life skills training, and most importantly give people a sense of pride, a sense of purpose, and most importantly self-worth.
One of our current projects is to raise funds to start Hope Village of Allentown (a tiny home community) and our Mobile Outreach Vehicle. We have been going into the homeless camps in the Lehigh Valley and providing food, water, clothing, and other necessary goods to help the homeless survive. We know we need to do more, so we ask that you help with our mission.
OATH is totally supported by volunteers. They all bring their unique skills and talents to our mission. If you are interested in becoming one of the many who participates in helping your fellow man, woman, children who are living on the streets, please contact us. We would love to find a place for you to help within our organization.